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By Professor Jon Saul

Consider this view of present day reality:


Today, we are witnessing the coming of age of the mass society. The mass (the enormous number of souls inhabiting the earth) is greater than ever and will perhaps double and triple in the next 25+ years.


Following Hegel (Kant's student), a sufficiently large quantitative change results in a qualitative change. In this case, the huge quantitative change related to the sheer number of people alive will force the qualitative changes that are necessary for a mass society: everyone must be equal, defined as everyone must be the same. 


Think about it, in order to feed, clothe, house and keep healthy billions upon billions of people, efficiencies must be achieved. Everyone must be equal and equal means the same. This is equality redefined as equity.


Traditional values, such as individualism, high achievement through competition, beauty will all give way to the mass need of 'everyone is equal mean everyone is the same"...


Yes, I think we already suffer from this.

Consider that, when Critical Mass occurs, an unstoppable chain reaction occurs.

This is a scientific truth…we all know about nuclear reactions… a chain reaction occurs when critical mass is reached and boom! Everything is destroyed (changed)…the very atoms involved are altered and everything else along with them…That is the reason we fear a nuclear war because it can lead to nuclear proliferation, i.e., the destruction of the earth as we know it, perhaps no longer able to support life, especially human life……

Right now, today, in the 21st Century, the Mass Society has reached Critical Mass. That means that a chain reaction in human thought is occurring: a chain reaction in the evolution of the species, in the development of the human brain. The last 50 years of the 20th Century can be described as the ascendancy of the Mass Society. We have now achieved Critical Mass.

What does this mean? This means that the human species has evolved...

Consider this as the Darwinian theory  raised to a global level producing MassThink...

MassThink operates as a tool with the goal of making every person the same by eliminating distinctions, words and logical thought.

MassThink  relies on emotion – the emotion of the mob, the mass, to function.

That is why we see a “rush to judgment” in every public scandal. Logical thought, the caution developed over years of specificity, is now being overwhelmed by MassThink.

MassThink strives to eliminate logical thought by limiting the vocabulary humans have developed over thousands of years. The definitions of terms, such as racism, are broadened to such an extent that the actual meaning of the concept is totally abolished, watered down to the extent that it is meaningless.

This perspective is that human race reached critical mass and that a huge chain reaction is occurring in human evaluation, our brains are changing, which means our culture is changing

You can see this operating in every walk of life and this perspective helps to explain what is happening all around us. As we are in the midst of it, sometimes it is difficult to understand what is happening.

Consider this point of view:

The media, for example, clearly a tool of powerful interests, promulgates a choice between what is labeled either liberal or conservative, left or right, socialist or capitalist, republican or democrat.

Whereas, in reality, all perceived reality is result of the changes we see in society, all is function of the chain reaction of MassThink at work.

The Republicans and Democrats, capitalists and socialists, are all pawns, grist for the mill of the MassThink Chain Reaction or series of chain reactions which are occurring which will continue on its own without the need of individual human input.

These chain reactions a species phenomenon: as the human race had reached critical mass with so many human minds cooperating the same time, more than ever before at any time and more than ever before at once. The MassThink Chain Reactions occur on their own.

This MassThink Chain Reaction will not end until the result is a unique combination. A narrowing of how the human brain operates and an expansion of human thought at the same time.

Expansion of thought will occur in that humans no longer will focus on themselves, individuals, as the most important thing about human existence.

Humans will focus on the entire mass of humanity, the entire species, as the most important part of their lives.

People will no longer be dedicated to themselves, they will become dedicated to the species – the entire human race, all of us.

In Freudian terms, the superego will entirely overtake the ego and the libido (the “id”) and completely control the functioning of the human brain. The superego can be considered to be our conscience, the influence of society on our values and decisions.

The chain reaction of the critical mass forces people to now consider the entire mass of humanity, all of the people on earth, rather than the smaller group that is our cultural identity.

You see, a change in values means a change in culture. Rather than the politics of division, or of identity, the politics of unity will prevail (we are all the same).

This might seem ironic, when read in 2020, as all anyone is taking about in the media is division, division, division…Republicans versus Democrats, etc.

But this is because we are viewing this sea change from the inside. We are, today, experiencing the smaller, more local, more individual chain reactions that reveal the advent of critical mass.

Think about it!


by ProfessorJon Saul


Beware of Equity as a watch word!


Equity is an attack on individualism. It is the current war cry of the latest aspect of Mass Think. As I have stated before, I believe that humankind has reached critical mass…the great mass of people alive simply demands that all people be the same, act the same, have the same, behave the same… this has lately been termed equity…which means proportional outcomes (“fairness”) so that everyone has the same (amount of things) and is the same (person). Everyone has an amount of everything that makes them the same…everyone becomes identical…note that this is not the idea that everyone has equal rights to be an individual…


Here’s how I present the situation in my fictional series The Critical Mass Chronicles:


“Yeah, and everything is rationed,” Jeramiah chimed in, “They say those camps are based on equity, everyone and everything is the same. I say it is an opiate, to lull the masses into thinking that all people are the same. That way, the great mass of folks will continue to cooperate and survive.” 


“How else?” Joshua grunted, “How else could so many people possibly survive? Everyone needs to be treated fairly and that means equally. Every person deserves their fair share of the world’s remaining resources.” 


Equity is not the same as the concept of equality. Equity is not equal opportunity, equity is not equal treatment, or equity is not equal respect… Equity has nothing to do with equality…except an equality of outcome…


Equity is a notion of fairness, or justice, which is in the eye of the beholder.

Note that there are many definitions of justice…


Consider that Justice has been variously defined as:


  • retribution: something given or exacted in recompense

  • reparation: something that is done or given as a way of correcting a mistake that you have made or a bad situation that you have caused

  • revenge (vengeance): to avenge (as oneself) usually by retaliating in kind or degree; to inflict injury in return, such as revenge an insult

  • due process: our legal system is based on this concept 

  • restitution:  the act of returning something that was lost or stolen to its owner, payment that is made to someone for damage, trouble, etc.

  • rehabilitation: our U.S. penal system is supposed to be based on this idea...

  • fairness/equality: there are many different definitions of this

  • punishment: a penalty inflicted on an offender through judicial procedure; severe, rough, or disastrous treatment

  • "doing the right thing": Plato represents this idea of justice, along with most of the Ancient Greeks


Whose notion of justice will equity serve?

Equity means everyone has to be the same…differences among people must be wiped out “for the greater good”, that is so that human society can survive.


The reasoning is that humanity can’t survive if everyone is an individual. Therefore, individualism must be replaced with equity.


The dystopian short story, “Harrison Bergeron”, by Kurt Vonnegut, amply relates how the ideas of equity and individual freedom must be balanced in society. This story shows the result of equity replacing differences among people. I recommend it highly to all who want to understand the danger facing our present day.





By ProfessorJon Saul


When Critical Mass occurs, an unstoppable chain reaction occurs.


This is a scientific truth…we all know about nuclear reactions… a chain reaction occurs when critical mass is reached and boom! Everything is destroyed (changed)…the very atoms involved are altered and everything else along with them…That is the reason we fear a nuclear war because it can lead to nuclear proliferation, i.e., the destruction of the earth as we know it, perhaps no longer able to support life, especially human life……


Right now, today, in the 21st Century, I contend that our Mass Society has reached Critical Mass. That means, in my opinion, that a chain reaction in human thought is occurring; a chain reaction in the evolution of the species, in the development of the human brain. The last 50 years of the 20th Century can be described as the ascendancy of the Mass Society. 


We humans have now achieved Critical Mass.


What does Critical Mass mean? 


Understanding what is happening in the world today is extremely difficult. Traditional norms, traditional ways of knowing, and traditional ways of assessing truth are being challenged. In fact, all values are currently challenged, and I think this is because of the great number of people alive today.


The world is fundamentally different than it has ever been. More people live in more places than ever before.


There are about 7.5 billion people alive today. According to the United Nations, BY 2025, “the world's population will increase from 7.2 billion today to 8.1 billion in 2025. By 2050, it will reach 9.6 billion. That is about 1/3 more people than are alive today.


Consequently, I recommend viewing contemporary events through the Critical Mass prism.


This perspective is that human race reached Critical Mass and that a huge Chain Reaction is occurring in human evaluation, our brains are changing, which means our culture is changing.


You can see the Critical Mass Chain Reaction operating in every walk of life and, viewed from this perspective, it is easier to explain what is going on all around us. As we are in the midst of it, sometimes it is difficult to understand what is happening.


Darwin would say that humans, at this point in our evolution, the human species is best served by humans who think about the species first and their individual survival second. The human brain is evolving, changing, from a me firstattitude to an us first attitude. The fittest individuals, at this point in evolution are those who fit in, not those who stand out. Rather than the strong leader of the herd, survival of the fittest now requires strong followers, so to speak, those who prosper most from within the herd. Natural selection will assure that these individuals are the ones to survive.


The fathers of Nulcear fission, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann, would also agree that humans have reached Critical Mass. They would understand that a Chain Reaction is now occurring, and which will continue on its own without the need of individual human input. They would, perhaps, recognize this chain reaction as a phenomenon happening within the human brain and to the way humans think. 


The Critical Mass Chain Reaction is actually composed on many, many smaller phenomena of varying sizes. Some on a global level, some on a national or societal level and others on a personal level. Taken altogether, these chain reactions constitute a species phenomenon: as the human race has reached critical mass with so many human minds cooperating the same time, more than ever before at any time, and more than ever before at once. 


Please consider that no one is to blame. For example, MassThink Chain Reactions occur on their own, a result of humans having reached Critical Mass.


And also recognize that these MassThink Chain Reactions will not end until the result is a unique combination of a narrowing of how the human brain operates and an expansion of human thought at the same time.


The expansion of human thought will occur in that humans no longer will focus on themselves, individuals, as the most important thing about human existence. Humans will focus on the entire mass of humanity, the entire species, as the most important part of their lives. This process has already begun and requires a diminution of the value of every single, individual human life and a raising to center stage the value of the species, that is, all of us.


In the future, people’s brains will no longer be focused on themselves as the most important aspect of life. Rather, the individual minds, our brains, will become dedicated to the species – the entire human race, everybody as one.


In Freudian terms, the superego will entirely overtake the ego and the libido (the “id”), thereby controlling completely the functioning of the human brain. The superego can be considered to be our conscience, the influence of society on our values and decisions. Thus, social imperatives, rather than individual wants/wishes/desires, will guide human action and decision-making.


Whether you consider this development a good or bad thing, please recognize that MassThink will result in a total narrowing of human thought! After all, people cannot all be the same without all thinking alike!


What is MassThink? 


MassThink is the name I have given for all the chain reactions that are occurring in human evolution right now. I believe that these chain reactions will only end when every person is equal, or the same, which means that every person thinks the same way. This will result because every indication is that these MassThink Chain Reactions will terminate in an elimination of the human distinctions, words and logical thought.


MassThink Chain Reaction relies on emotion – the emotion of the mob, the mass, to function. That is why we see a rush to judgment in every public scandal. This is simply more evidence of one rather large MassThink Chain Reaction at work. Logical thought, the caution developed over years of specificity, is now being overwhelmed by MassThink.


MassThink will terminate when logical thought is decimated by limiting the vocabulary human have developed over thousands of years. The definitions of terms, such as racism, are broadened to such an extent that the actual meaning of the concept is totally abolished, watered down to the extent that it is meaningless. When everything is labeled racist, even a white pair of shoes, then the critical meaning of the term is gone.


Allow me to explain:


Examples of MassThink:


The media, for example, clearly a tool of powerful interests, promulgates a choice between what is labeled either liberal or conservative, left or right, socialist or capitalist, republican or democrat. Whereas, in reality, the changes we see in society are a function of the chain reactions of MassThink at work. The Republicans and Democrats, the Capitalists and the Socialists, are all pawns, grist for the mill of MassThink.


All distinctions between humans will disappear as a result of the MassThink. Consider that the biggest distinctions among humans are gender, race, wealth, health, intelligence, culture and physical appearance. This is the list of human values and conditions that the MassThink works to change.


Take gender, for example. Up until now, there have only been two. Today, we are experiencing an explosion of genders. We are witnessing the removal of the distinctions between the traditional two genders and, indeed, among all the genders. Soon, the meaning of gender will have changed form a biological condition to a mental state (oh, yeah, this already happened in several places in the U.S.A.).


More examples of MassThink: 


Another example of MassThink is the contemporary flood of belief that thinking something makes it real. That, if someone thinks something, then that something is real. This another aspect of MassThink at work, assaulting logical thought.


The current emergence of legal infanticide, or late term abortion, is another example of the MassThink Chain Reaction. This is not a “right to life issue”, as it is usually framed, with people lining up on either side of the line.


However, this is truly an instance of how MassThink operates. The result of MassThink goal will be the elimination of the distinctions between the two traditional genders, men and women. This is commonly known as Gender Equality. 


The only true difference between women and women is that women can carry and birth the children and men cannot.


For men and women to be the same, this key distinction must be made to disappear. If a woman and her doctor could decide whether a baby should survive or not after the baby as emerged alive from the womb, then the necessity of birthing and caring for child is eliminated from the condition of being a female. Abort the baby whenever you want, even after it is born. This way, men and women are equal. Men and women are the same. Neither one must carry any children or birth them. This small part of the MassThink Chain Reaction will be complete. Change will have occurred on the most basic level. Men and women will be the same. This is gender equality, is it not?


Another contemporary phenomenon that reveals the MassThink Chain Reaction at work is the Me, Too! movement, which also will result in removing a key cultural distinction between men and women – romance. Aggressive advances by men towards women are already taboo, and the definition of aggression is expanding more and more. Just consider the concept of micro-aggressions, absolutely a MassThink term! 


Soon, even more mild advances, once deemed socially acceptable, will likewise become unpopular.  Ultimately, any romantic advance (on the part of either gender) will be considered ill form and shunned. People will simply stop doing it; no more romance. This small part of the overall MassThink Chain Reaction will be complete. Change will have occurred on the most basic level. Men and women will be the same. This is gender equality, is it not?


Back to procreation, that basic difference between men and women. Once the human race starts to accept test-tube babies and genetic engineering, there will be no need for male and female, except to harvest eggs and sperm. Science will solve this, and then the distinction between the genders will truly disappear. Another small part of the MassThink Chain Reaction will be complete. Change will have occurred on the most basic level. Men and women will be the same. This is gender equality, is it not?


Just like that new commercial, “…in a world that is doing its best to make you like everybody else…” MassThink is all around us. All you need to do is look for it.


Conservative patriots wonder at the craziness of the concept of open borders. But seen from the MassThink perspective, this development is clearly necessary.


Nation States focus on their citizens. MassThink focuses on all of humanity.

We are in the midst of a great sea change in human existence


It is the decline of the value of the individual.


Consider that the great mass of people requires that all people become more and more similar.

This paradox is the catalyst, that we are all different and we are all the same.


The chain reaction of the critical mass compels people to now consider the entire mass of humanity, all of the people on earth, rather than the smaller group that is our cultural identity.

You see, a change in values means a change in culture. Rather than the politics of division, or of identity, the politics of unity will prevail (we are all the same).

This might seem ironic, when read in 2019 as all anyone is taking about in the media is division, division, division…Republicans versus Democrats, etc.

But this is because we are viewing this sea change from the inside. We are, today, experiencing the smaller, more local, more individual chain reactions that reveal the advent of critical mass.


Critical mass has put pressure on the existing paradigm, such that the deciding factor has changed from “what is good for the individual” to in each equation to “what is good for the mass is good for humankind”. Not “the masses”, not “the working class” or "the proletariat" but the entirety of humankind, that great mass of people which has come to a critical stage.

Respect for the individual differences is changing into respect for conformity.


Critical Mass does not foster respect for differences, it is a huge force for conformity. Therefore, as a person conforms or to the extent that he or she conforms, he or she (and, this, too, will make no difference) will garner more and more respect.


Our traditional value of individualism, that is individuals making choices in their own interest leading to the common good, is inverted. No longer is the paradigm “what is good for all the individuals, expressed through individual self-interest, sometimes called the sum of individual self-interest, results in the good for the whole”. Now it is, “what is good for the whole is good for the individual”.


And, what is good for all will only come from suppression on the individual, I fear!

For, what is good for all is that every individual should be the same, identical. Think anthill or beehive; Orwell’s 1984…


In my book series, the Critical Mass Chronicles, the first book is called Higher Ground, a sci-fi novel full of adventure the future and sex! And the major theme is what could happen in the future if we are all the same….

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