Read, Read, Read
If you have read to this point, congratulations! You have undoubtedly learned much about expressing yourself in formal English.
There are many additional activities in which you can engage that will help you to continue to build your English language skills. Among these are:
Word games:
I often suggest to my students that they play word games, which include such commercial games as Boggle and Scrabble. Numerous word games in magazines and newspapers, including cross-word puzzles, word searches, word find puzzles, anagrams, etc., are also helpful.
Watching movies/videos with English subtitles:
This is another excellent way to learn English, practice reading and enjoy yourself at the same time. It does not matter whether the original film is in a language you understand.
English language learning tools, such as tapes and videos and classes:
Of course, you can continue to study English through these experiences. There are many good English learning tapes and videos. I encourage everyone to enroll in at least one class that will help you brush up on your English grammar skills.
The single most important activity, however, is to become a critical reader. Use your dictionary and read for fun, for technical learning, for general information. Practice your critical reading skills and you will develop them further.
Become a critical writer and obtain feedback. Practice your writing and get feedback from others. Let your friends or family read what you have written and tell you what they understand and what they don’t. Attempt to see if you can figure out the reasons.
Take every opportunity to practice your writing skills. Write letters to relatives and friends. This is something people used to do frequently, but now do not. This can help you enormously in mastering the English language. If you write much e-mail, try to write more formally when it is appropriate. On the job, volunteer to help write when the opportunity arises.
Remember to own your words. Develop a style that is comfortable to you, which allows you to express yourself in formal English without too much stress and strain.